In brief, here are four items of public interest that were discussed during the December 2020 City Council meetings. The full agenda for December 21, 2020 can be accessed here.
Please note that in line with the City of Saskatoon’s request for citizens to assist with controlling the spread of COVID-19 we encourage you to email a letter at providing comments or requesting to speak as an alternative to attending the meeting. This meeting of City Council took place through teleconference and was recorded, as per any other City Council meeting.
Furthermore, Internet Explorer will no longer work to view agendas. Please use another internet browser.
Knox United Church Heritage Designation Update
The report before Council this month was to send the discussion regarding amending The Knox United Church Heritage Designation Bylaw to a public hearing. Subdivision and subsequent development of the adjacent parking lot on the Knox United Church site is being pursued to create additional economic opportunities for the congregation. No approval was given at this meeting, rather the amendment will be advertised in accordance with the provisions in The Heritage Property Act, which requires the Notice of Intention to Amend a Bylaw be advertised at least 30 days prior to the public hearing. The Public Hearing will be an opportunity for the proponent and members of the public to present regarding this proposal.
Furthermore, the Standing Policy Committee on Planning, Development and Community Services resolved that the Administration engage with the Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee and report back on how their concerns can be addressed.
One-time Clearing of Secondary Paths
City Council approved the one-time clearing of secondary pathways in parks. The term “secondary pathways” within City-owned parks means any unlit park path surfaced with either asphalt, red shale or crusher dust and having sufficient width to accommodate snow clearing equipment.
This work will likely take place in early January 2021 and will allow for more passive recreation opportunities in our parks. It builds off the work of our one-time clearing and removal of snow city-wide due to the blizzard we experienced in November 2020.
The cost to do this is approximately $14,400.
Change to Governance and Priorities Committee Chair
Cancellation - St. Paul's Hospital Combined Heat and Power Plant Project
Combined heat and power plants operate on natural gas to produce both electricity and heat at the same time, with less greenhouse gas emissions than producing each separately. The Federal Government has committed funding to this project, totaling 38.65% of the total project cost.