The City has started engaging with residents, businesses, community groups, and key stakeholders to identify climate action opportunities, priorities, and areas of interest. The input we gather will shape the recommendations that go to City Council throughout 2018. To share your ideas, please participate in the engagement activities listed below.
For more information about the City's work plan or to learn about how climate change may impact our community, please visit our Climate Change Page.
Online Surveys
Join in the conversation by responding to our online surveys (open January 16 to February 15):
- Survey for Residents
- Survey for Businesses
- Survey for Non-Profits, Community-Based Organizations, and Public Institutions
Pop Up Events
We will be hosting short conversations about Saskatoon's climate action priorities at various locations across the city. Consider popping by and having a conversation with us!
- Tuesday, January 16th, 1:00-4:00pm, Market Mall
- Thursday, January 18th, 8:30-11:30am, Fieldhouse
- Saturday, January 20th, 1:00-4:00pm, Freda Ahenakew Library
- Thursday, January 25th, 11:00-2:00pm, Upper Place Riel (University of Saskatchewan)
- Saturday, January 27th, 12:00-3:00pm, Wintershines (Igloo, Saskatoon Farmers' Market)