FINALIZED - College Park - College Park East Neighbourhood Traffic Review


The College Park and East College Park Neighbourhood Traffic Review has been finalized based on traffic analysis, field observations and feedback from residents (emails, phone calls, social media, meetings, etc.). The plan is coming to the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation on Monday, April 1, 2019 for endorsement.
The report is available for review through the public agenda.
If you would like to speak at the Committee or Council meetings, please submit the online form by 8:00 am on the day of the meeting. The form and details regarding letters to Committee/Council are available on the City of Saskatoon website.
Installation of the College Park and East College Park Traffic Plan will begin as early as spring 2019. Traffic calming measures (e.g. median islands and curb extensions) will be installed temporarily and evaluated for effectiveness. Measures that are deemed effective will be prioritized for permanent installation as funding allows.