City Council in Brief - May 2021
In brief, this post highlights four items of public interest that were discussed during the May 2021 City Council meeting.
Highlights include:
- creation of smart meter participation policy.
- develop an Emergency Response Plan for extreme or unusual events.
- an update on the work to identify and address systemic barriers for participation.
- providing members of City Council with access to an Employee and Family Assistance Program.
City Council in Brief - March 2021
In brief, this post highlights five items of public interest that were discussed during the March 2021 City Council meeting.
Highlights include:
- information on the amendments to the Brighton Concept Plan.
- welcoming the new City Clerk, Adam Tittemore.
- confirmation of the municipal tax policy, including a detailed analysis on best practices.
- approval in principle of the Urban Forest Management Plan.
- update on leaves of absences and supports for member of City Council.
City Council in Brief - February 2021
In brief, this post highlights four items of public interest that were discussed during the February 2021 City Council meeting.
Highlights include:
- information on a PACE Financing program that provides financing for home owners to undertake home energy retrofits, renewable energy installations and water conservation projects.
- progress on the permanent outdoor festival site at Friendship Park.
- finalization of the bylaw to prohibit businesses from conducting conversion therapy.
- Platinum Certification that was provided to the City of Saskatoon in recognition of our high quality of data reporting.
2020/2021 Multi-Year Budget - Adjustments
As part of the new two-year budget cycle, City Council was able to revisit the 2020-2021 Multi-Year Business Plan and Budget’s Operating and Capital plans (previously approved November 2019) in this second budget year to adjust to any unanticipated external factors of significant impact on the City’s 2021 Budget.
City Council in Brief - November 2020
In brief, here are five items of public interest that were discussed during the November 2020 City Council meetings. The the full agenda for November 16, 2020 can be accessed here, the full agenda for November 23, 2020 can be accessed here and the full agenda for November 30, 2020 can be accessed here.
- Snowstorm 2020 - Snow Removal Update
- Transit Operator Barrier Retrofit
- Saskatchewan Economic Recovery Rebate
- Change to Committee Times
- Suspension of Saturday Pay Parking
City Council in Brief - July Edition | 2020
In brief, here are five items of public interest that were discussed during the July 2020 City Council meetings.
- East Side Leisure Centre Update
- Infrastructure Funding (MEEP)
- Mail-in Ballot Procedure
- Bicycle Bylaw Update
- Energy Assistance Program Partnership
City Council in Brief - June Edition | 2020
In brief, here are seven items of public interest that were discussed during the June 2020 City Council meetings.
- The Official Community Plan
- COVID-19 Updates
- Infrastructure Funding (MEEP)
- Financial Forecast
- Requests for Financial Support
- Roadmap to Recovery
- Cannabis Business License Fee Changes
- 2020 Property Tax Updates - Library Tax Amendment
Council in Brief - April Edition | 2020
In brief, here are four items of public interest that were discussed during the April 2020 City Council meeting.
City Council in Brief - December Edition | 2019
In brief, here are five items of public interest that were discussed during the December 2019 City Council meeting.
- Landfill Infrastructure Replacement and Recovery Park Site Design Options
- Corporate Climate Adaptation Strategy
- Naming Rights, Sponsorship and Advertising
- Governance Review – Business Improvement Districts
- Riverbank Development Control Bylaws
2020/2021 Multi-Year Budget
This is the first multi-year budget for the City of Saskatoon. A great summary of all things related to the budget can be found on the City's website.
In summary, the 2020 and 2021 budget includes:
- Greater investment in core services - parks, sidewalks, transit, roads, bridges
- Transit service expansion into Brighton in 2021
- Focus on Growth Plan implementation and Corridor Planning/Infill Development
- Beginning implementation of Low Emissions Community Plan through multiple community and corporate initiatives
- Address the growing backlog of property maintenance and nuisance complaints
- Approved borrowing for the Saskatoon Public Library's new Central Library
- Approved resources needed to tackle the increasing pressures of higher rates of crime/severity in Saskatoon and to keep citizens safe
- Investments in utility-related projects, to maintain safe and reliable services
- Beginning to meaningfully resolve the historical waste services deficit
- Continued prioritization of investment in snow and ice management
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