Ward 8 Newsletter - April 2024


This month's newsletter is being sent a bit earlier than normal. I wanted to share with you an announcement I am making today. It is my intent that I will not be seeking re-election in the upcoming municipal election.

It has been an incredible privilege to represent Ward 8 neighbours at City Hall for the past eight years. Together we have been able to make change in many areas, including neighborhood safety; renewed investment in infrastructure for roads, sidewalks, parks and waste management; and support for the local economy and environment. We have done this by staying connected with one another. Thank you for always making sure to share your thoughts with me and engage in dialogue about our city and community. 

Working in a political environment can come with challenges but I have been very grateful to work with this Council and Administration. Together, we have worked towards building a vision and path that is best for the residents of Saskatoon. I am so proud of our progress on reconciliation and inclusion, planning for the city’s future growth by focusing on new transit corridors, balancing infill and new development, and the future Bus Rapid Transit system. We have laid a foundation for climate action and protection of green spaces like Meewasin. I believe that we have focused on delivering our core services while still planning for a resilient future. 

Thank you to the neighbours of Brevoort Park, Briarwood, Brighton, College Park, East College Park, Greystone Heights, Hillcrest Management Area, Holmwood Development Area and Wildwood for your support over these past eight years. It has been an honour to be your Ward 8 City Councillor. 

City Council Meeting

As was the case with last month, this newsletter has been pre-scheduled for distribution to ensure you are kept up to date on the next City Council meeting.

While I am on maternity leave, I wanted to ensure you received proper notification that City Council is meeting on April 24, 2024. The agenda for the Regular Business Meeting and Public Hearings will be available here at around 4:00 PM on April17, 2024. All you need to do is navigate to the meeting shown in the calendar and select whether you would like to see the agenda as a PDF or HTML. This will allow you to see the items that will be debated by City Council this month. Please note that I may not be in attendance for the meeting this month.

If you would like to send a public letter directly to City Council, you can do so here. Please know that you can also use my contact information as you normally would and your enquiry will be responded to in my absence. Ensuring your needs are met while I am away remains a top priority.

Finally, check out these two additional places that are useful to keep up to date with information:

  • The City of Saskatoon Engage Page - this highlights any active engagement underway. 
  • News Releases - these highlight relevant items of interest.

If you would like to learn more about my leave of absence, I have prepared a bit of information here.

I appreciate your understanding and patience during my maternity leave.



Sarina Gersher - Ward 8 Councillor